As Demonstrators, we were
fortunate to have almost everything from the Come Sail Away Suite available for
preorder. This suite of products will be available in the upcoming
2019-2020 Annual Catalog, and it is a great suite for masculine cards.
I have already designed a Class in the Mail with this suite for June. These
classes will be free with the purchase of the bundle. This bundle will be
available on June 4th with the start of our new Annual Catalog. It is too
soon to give you a June Host Code. I will start a new one on June 1st.
Remember you will receive a pdf for each project with a supply list and
directions. I will also give you a link to the videos for each project so
you can make it along with me in the comfort of your home. You must use the
current Host Code to receive your projects.( Unless your order is over $150-
then you will receive the Host Rewards and will not need to use the Host
Code.) You can choose Porch Pick Up or I can mail your kits to you and
will bill you by Pay Pal.
Deadline for the class
is June 10th. It will ship the week of June 13th.